Alive Now! Classic video with David Mainse

Alive Now! Classic video with David Mainse from 1976

Back in 1976 I began one of the first late-night Christian call-in TV shows in Canada! One of my first guests was David Mainse, before he started 100 Huntley Street. Less than a year later I would join David as he launched 100 Huntley Street. I share the full story of that journey and our connection with Crossroads in my book Don’t Waste Your Pain.

On the set of Alive Now with David – see the full video below!

Enjoy a throwback to the ’70s, complete with sideburns, hip music and a much younger David Mainse!

For more on my journey with Christian television and to hear powerful testimonies of transformed lives, pick up “Don’t Waste Your Pain” today! Discover that there is hope in the midst of difficulty and heartache.